
Kandi - The Gift with Beads



What is Kandi?


Kandi is a sort of childish gift. Like in the days of the 90's youth, These gifts are colorful beaded bracelets and necklaces. This day and age, these beaded bracelets replace the usual pieces of Candy (such as hard candy, Lolipops, and Candy Necklaces) and stuffed animals that ravers used to give out.


How is Kandi being Made?


Kandi usually has a sort of pattern, something that stands out from the person who made it towards the person who recieves it. Mostly, using pony beads but at other times using interesting beads, like teddybears and kittens and even small turtles. There's a difference between Personalized Kandi, which is usually made special for the reciever, and Kandi made just to "Trade."




How is Kandi Traded?


Kandi trading has a sort of special Process. Instead of just taking OFF the Kandi and handing it over to someone, you interlink the hand that has the piece of Kandi on it with the other person's hand, and slide the Kandi from your arm over to the other person's arm. This transfer of Bracelet from your arm to the other is called "Trading." As for Necklaces, Necklace trading is like putting Lais (Hawaiian Culture) around people's necks.




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